South Dakota Society of Medical Assistants
At the Heart of Healthcare
Southeast Tech Symposium
Topics for the event include:
830-930-Disability services
930-1130 Poverty Simulation
1130-12 Lunch included
12-2 Bringing Injury Prevention to Your Community.
Session One: Fire and Fall Safety in the Home- Using's Partners in the Community.
Session Two: Bleeding Control prior to EMS- Implementing Community Stop the Bleed Classes
To sign up for this event so we can ensure we have enough food, email Lindsey Emly at
The admission cost will be items for the STC Food Pantry. This is just a short list of things, but we will gladly accept any nonperishable food items and personal hygiene products that would be donated:
Canned fruit
Mac and cheese
Ramen Noodles
Canned Chicken
Canned Meat
Granola Bars
Toilet paper
Any personal hygiene products
Cash donations