South Dakota Society of Medical Assistants
At the Heart of Healthcare
2022 State
Convention Registration
Registrations are due by March 1st
Member = Current member of the AAMA (dues paid)
In Person
Both Days: $110
Daily: $75
Virtual Only
Both Days: $90
Daily: $55
In Person
Both Days: $130
Daily: $105
Virtual Only
Both Days: $110
Daily: $85
In person: $75
Virtual Only: $55

We now offer an online payment option!
Payment for your 2022 Registration may be completed using Zelle. Zelle works directly with your bank and the bank of the SDSMA. There is an app that can be downloaded, or you can visit ZellePay.com to complete your payment. You will need to know the e-mail address of the SDSMA (SDSMA95@gmail.com) and enter SDSMA as the First Name. If a description or notes field is available, please enter 2022 Registration [Your First & Last Name] this way we can easily connect your payment with your registration.
If your bank requires additional details please contact Susan Hookie (shookie93@gmail.com).